Adelaide's Award Winning Bespoke Custom Builder


2021 Kitchen Design Trends

ZJ Building’s co-owner and Marketing Manager, Jacqui, sat down with Tania, the Director and Principal Designer from TK Design, and KBDI Australian Certified Designer of the Year, to talk about all things 2021 kitchen design!

Who is TK Design?

TK Design are an interior design firm. We specialise in joinery design for kitchens, bathrooms and interior spaces. We provide plans and elevations plus 3D renders for those spaces and help with selections. We provide the drawings for the joinery. Joinery design is actually our specialty, plus we take you through selections for sanitary wear, tiles, and of course finishes – which is the fun part! 

Why should I use an interior designer?

An interior designer will actually help plan the space carefully, and ensure that the entire space flows seamlessly.

We start with spatial planning, focusing on making sure that the space is very balanced. We also consider colours, shapes, textures, and make sure that from room to room, the house flows seamlessly. 

That’s such a good point because obviously some people might have an idea of what they want each room to look like, but if it doesn’t flow seamlessly, then it looks a bit weird doesn’t it? 


Can I afford an interior designer?

You can’t afford not to! Seriously. There are so many decisions to make in the process. People get overwhelmed and we are here to help guide you and bring it all together.

We run through the concept plans here (TK Design studio), make sure you’re happy with the initial startup, and then from there we go through selections. So we might go to a tile store, sanitary wear and appliances. Then we come back here and go through the joinery selections and bring the whole thing together.

Wow, that’s great. Essentially, they’re paying for convenience because most people have a fulltime job, and it’s very time consuming having to go around shop after shop picking the selections and that’s a lot of mental energy to put into it.

That’s right. It can be stressful, but we’re here to ensure basically against you making mistakes, which can be really expensive to fix. 

What’s the process with TK Design? Where do they fit in?

I like to come in as early as possible, to be honest. At TK Design, we use the KISS theory. Keep It Simple. As professionals we like to do the hard stuff for you.

It can be quite tricky, the whole process. So we like to eliminate a lot of the unnecessary choices for you and steer you in the right direction towards a small selection of correct choices. We help you keep on budget as well as making the correct choices for the styling of your home.

What’s on trend for kitchen designs this year?

Curves are back with a vengeance, which is very exciting. We’ve had some really hard lines for such a long time, and now we’re softening those spaces. We’re actually spending a lot more time in our homes now. 

And a lot of people are working from home as well.

That’s exactly right. So kitchen spaces are needing to be more adaptable so that we can work from home.

Has COVID affected any design trends?

Absolutely. What I’m seeing is a lot more color and culture being introduced into spaces. With people unable to travel, they’re actually bringing their holiday destinations into their own personal spaces, which is so exciting. 

So what kind of trends are we seeing? 

Pastels, bright colours, timbers, also dark colours. People are certainly being a lot more adventurous with their colour palettes. 

Are these trends going to last, in your opinion? 

Timber’s a lovely way to warm and soften a space, add texture, and I think that is something that will be around for some time. Actually [we are] seeing a lot of porcelain benchtops come through, which are verging on indestructible. 

How does one create a unique kitchen design for their home?

We custom design every project for the individual. Every project is unique.

With these trends that you’ve mentioned before, the pastels, the porcelain and the timber, how do we make sure that these trends are going to stand the test of time?

We work closely with the architecture of the home, take our styling and ideas from the bones of the home and make sure that we come up with a classic design that’s going to stand the test of time.

What made you want to join this industry?

I’ve always been passionate about interior design. As a kid I used to always redesign my bedroom in scale drawings. I used to have a backyard cubby house, which I would be constantly redecorating.

What’s your favourite part of your job?

I love working with people and making spaces beautiful, so this line of work is just perfect for me.

What’s your biggest kitchen design tip?

I guess I’m a bit of a rebel. I don’t believe in using the working triangle. 

Oh, what’s the working triangle?

So that’s actually the considered space between the sink, the cooktop and the fridge.

So what should we be doing instead?

We really need to be focusing on the zones. Now these include food storage, fridge and pantry, prep areas, cooking zones, and that can be ovens and cooktops, as well as social spaces.

So it sounds like you’ve created a wonderful process for your clients to experience that actually saves them time as well.

Our focus is to make sure that the whole process is enjoyable and we like to make sure that it’s a lot of fun.
If you want to learn more about TK Design and view their gallery you can visit

Design isn’t the only important thing to consider when renovating and extending your home. That’s why we’ve put together the 6 Essential Things You Must Do For A Successful Home Renovation, in our free downloadable guide, click here to find out more.

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